Hi! I'm Brian
Raised by Wolves in deepest Serbia BBDB was dragged kicking and screaming into human society. At only 8 years of age BBDB was captured by soviet Bear Hunters and made to work the Diamond mines of Orapa. At the age of 12 he was sold to Albanian Mercenaries and made to fight in the Badger pits of Tirana... through sheer fate BBDB escaped the pits and found refuge on a Fishing Trawler set for Norway, it was on that very journey that BDBB first experienced martial arts through Captain Knut Jorgensen an expert in Animas.
Now at the age of 15 he was ready for the world and all the dangers it could bring. By freak accident BDBB found himself deep in Libya where he fell upon Diederich (The Rooster) Einhardt. The Rooster as he was called told BBDB about an ancient military underground covert cohort called the DS (Desert Scorpions) where only the bravest of all the braves would be allowed in. BBDB was destined for such a challenge and 3 years training and initiation... nearly broke him but it was during the first 2 years that BBDB met ‘The Preacher’ together they made it through, and after 16 years service and many successful missions that can’t be disclosed they went their separate ways only be be reunited in 2008 when ‘The Preacher’ had started his own Muay Thai school.
About 11 years have past and BBDB has help run and support the club and today still stands as one of the original members... he still misses his wolf family and often can be heard howling the tune of his ancestors but he wouldn’t change where he is now. Muay Thai has added another notch onto his tomahawk but somewhat deeper.... a life changing experience which could be had by all.
Want a life changing experience?
Then join the brotherhood!
My Blog

Training at Sitjaopho, Hua Hin in Thailand (August 2024)
To get the full Muay Thai training experience, we advise doing two sessions a day which is one in the…
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Introduction to Muay Thai Course
Introduction to Muay Thai - Starts: Sunday 4th February 2024. An 'Introduction to Muay Thai' Course is an 8 week…
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Muay Thai receives full Olympic recognition
At the 138th International Olympic Committee session, Muay Thai federations received full recognition. While this isn’t a guarantee of inclusion…
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“I was always a chubby girl from my teenage years. After graduation, I met the love of my life and got married. It was then when I got pregnant and gained over 100 pounds. After I delivered by boy, I was at my heaviest of 350 pounds. It became difficult for me to keep up with my job and to take care of my baby. It was then that I decided that I had to do something."
"He believes that people of all ages and capabilities can benefit from exercise. He is willing to help anyone who wants to reach a certain fitness level with hard work since there is no shortcut to wellness. He works with each of his clients to make them stronger and flexible. He wants to make people good about themselves."
"Finally, comes the core strength training which is extremely effective in getting perfect abs in less than six weeks of time. Performing crunches works best on the upper abs, but at the same time, the lower abs and oblique should be strengthened which can be done with the leg – lifts. The routine mentioned above if followed is sure to give perfect abs in less than six weeks’ time."
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